This is it, the big one, Premier League Grand Final Day! Our OHA Premier League Women are in the Grand Final this Saturday at 2.00pm v Diamondbacks.
Wear your blue, green and red and head out to the THC to support our women in the final OHA game of season 2020.

The tent will be up, and the BBQ will be on so come & grab a sausage and help raise some money!  All proceeds from the BBQ on Grand Final Day will go to Rare Cancers Australia. If you can’t make it to the turf on Saturday, but would like to watch the game, you can view it online via The Mercury website. And if you would like to make a donation to Rare Cancers Australia, just click here:

Following the PL games, you can celebrate the season that was at the Queens Head Hotel with all our Premier League players. Get along, grab a bite to eat and raise a glass to hockey in 2020!



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